Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rounds for July 28, 2020!

Greetings everyone!

Here are this week's rounds:

1) Freshen Bi Panda 11 pts
2) Kernel Ell Eh 11 pts
3) Match- Movie Quote Comebacks 14 pts
4) Chemical States Round 16 pts
5) Dead Or Canadian 11 pts
6) Picture Round 15 pts
7) General Knowledge 22 pts

I want to again thank you all for participating in our virtual quiz and thank my co-hosts, Erin and Ryan for all their help with everything!

Don't forget to email me your team roster for the week at and we'll see you Tuesday night!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rounds for Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

Greetings everyone!

Here are this week's rounds:

1) A Jeans Tune 12 pts
2) A Blah Inn 11 pts
3) Hearrin Diagram 15 pts
4) Chemical States Round 16 pts
5) Dead Or Canadian 11 pts
6) Picture Round 15 pts
7) General Knowledge 20 pts

As always, remember to email me your roster as early as possible at and we'll get you registered for Tuesday's virtual game!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Rounds for July 14, 2020

Greetings everyone!

Here are the rounds for another week of The Globe Pub's virtual trivia!

1) Coif Feces, Pa 13 pts
2) Cloven Urine Froth 11 pts
3) Hearrin Round 15 pts
4) Chemical States Round 16 pts
5) Dead Or Canadian 11 pts
6) Picture Round 15 pts
7) General Knowledge 20 pts

As always, please remember to email me your team roster for the week at and I'll get you all set up for Tuesday's quiz. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Rounds for July 7, 2020!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to July!

We're going to try out a new round this week which I hope you'll like.  It's part match, part Dead or Canadian and named after a friend of mine who is a former CPS teacher who claimed to have invented the Venn diagram!  It's called Hearrin Diagrams.  I'll give you a pool of things which are either in column A, column B, or both!  We're putting together a fun first run for this- details Tuesday night!

Here are this week's rounds:

1) Sorority Hinder A Calamari 11 pts
2) Alien Rap 12 pts
3) Hearrin Diagrams 15 pts
4) Chemical States Round 16 pts
5) Dead Or Canadian 11 pts
6) Picture Round 15 pts
7) General Knowledge 20 pts

As always, email me at with your team member's emails and we'll get you signed up for the virtual Tuesday festivities.  See you then!